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  • Illustrated graphic of a young tattooed woman with a customer service headset

    Value Supports ROI

    What is value? Value to your customers? To your staff? Your community? Maybe even to your supply chain? How often…
  • Prioritize Do What Matters First

    Prioritize: Do What Matters First

    All too often I'm having conversations with people who have a difficult time prioritizing their day. The challenge is real.…
  • 100 Things I Wish I Knew A Long Time Ago

    100 Things I Wish I Knew A Long Time Ago

    Here are the things that I wish I knew when I was younger. These aren't in any particular order. Hopefully,…
  • ...but it's cheaper

    …but it’s cheaper

    "Then the discussion turned to the reason why they went somewhere else was that it was cheaper." This was a…
  • Raise Your Prices

    Raise Your Prices

    If you haven't already, the time is now to raise your prices. If you raised your prices at the beginning…
  • 1000 Miles An Hour With Your Hair On Fire

    1,000 Miles Per Hour With Your Hair on Fire

    I've often described being insanely busy as "1,000 miles per hour with your hair on fire." Can you relate? For…