The Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus is a completely virtual event that will be held on Saturday, June 5, 2021, from 10:00 am EST to 3:30 pm EST.
I have news for you, this is going to be completely unlike any virtual event that you have ever attended. We’ll get into why shortly, but for now, let’s review why you should participate.
If you have attended a live or virtual Shirt Lab event before, you know the quality of the education that highlights our reputation. After each event, we use a simple survey to help understand how we can get better, and what should be included in future events.
Holding an event for women has been our number one consistently listed topic from these surveys. This event actually was scheduled to be held live and in Chicago last year, but COVID stopped that in its tracks.
So, we regrouped and here we are. It’s 2021, and time for the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus.
Take a sneak peek at the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus Event Guide, Click Here.
Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus Focus
This event is focused on hosting an open forum for discussion regarding women entrepreneurs and leaders for the decorated apparel and promotional marketing industries. Â
The Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus is about engagement, conversations, and how as an industry we can amplify women’s voices. This is a unique opportunity to network with other business leaders and be part of the solution.Â
Bring your ideas and share through conversations and engagement.
How It Will Work
There will be four discussion segments for the day. Each speaker will share their topic, and the attendees will be placed into randomly generated breakout groups for a twenty-minute discussion on that topic.
A moderator will keep track of the discussion, and then everyone will regroup and the moderator will share the main highlighted discussion points for each group with everyone.
As there are four segments, the attendees of each breakout group will change with every speaker segment, so there is a good chance that everyone has the opportunity to network together at least once.
Our goal is a day of engaging conversations, participation, ideas, and inspiration.
But there is a catch…we need you to make it work.
Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus Speaker Line Up
Slated are four amazing leaders that have proven records of success. Each has chosen a topic that they are passionate about, and feel that their segment can help inspire others, generate thought and discussion, or simply needs to be addressed.
Michelle Moxley – The M&R Companies
Michelle will be the host for the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus for the entire day. She’s the Innovation Director for the M&R Companies, and one of the most talented printers in the industry.
She will be leading the discussions and hosting the event. If you follow Michelle on social media as I do, you are constantly amazed at the creative ideas and high level of professionalism that she brings to the industry.
We can’t think of a more perfect host for this event than Michelle.
Alison Banholzer – Wear Your Spirit Warehouse
Ali kicks off the day for us as the first speaker. She is the owner of Wear Your Spirit Warehouse in Huntingtown, Maryland. Last year she was one of the winners of the Women in Screen Printing awards from Screen Printing Magazine.
By the way, Ali holds the distinction of being an attendee for all five of our Shirt Lab Live events. Columbus, St. Louis, Washington D.C, Portland, and Atlanta…always in the center, front row.
Her topic is “Relationships Matter.” Here’s how she describes her discussion topic:
“How can relationships with people in your community drive loyalty or more business? This discussion will trigger ideas on how to improve staffing, drive sales, and increase community engagement. Let’s share what is working and can enhance the relationships in your network.”
Johanna Gottlieb – Axis Promotions
Jo will be the second featured speaker for the day. She is the Vice Present of sales for Axis Promotions and is the current PromoKitchen president. Whether you are in sales, or in the promo industry, Jo is one to follow and learn from as she brings an amazing level of leadership and fun to everything she touches.
Her topic is “How to Stay Hungry in Sales Despite Success”. Here’s what Jo says about this discussion:
“How do you maintain a voracious hunger to grow sales? From prospecting tips to client retention, Jo will share how she keeps her ambition kindled, her pipeline full with the right kind of clients, and best practices for staying lean, moving fast, and winning business.”
Milissa Clark – General Standard
Milissa helped out with our last Shirt Lab Summit and has been featured in our Shirt Lab Tribe before as an Expert Presenter on sustainability.
She has had incredible success from the supplier end of the industry and is the perfect choice to help lead a discussion on sales. She’s currently the Director of Sales for General Standard.
Milissa’s topic is “Sales – Bring Your Own Chair”, and here’s how she describes her segment:
“A life in sales as a woman brings its own set of unique challenges and opportunities. Learn how to claim your own voice and authority while navigating the sales process, stop apologizing and demanding a seat at the table, even if you have to bring your own chair.”
Kristine Shreve – Appliqué Getaway
We will round out the day with what is sure to be a lively talk from Kristine Shreve. She’s the Director of Marketing and Outreach for Appliqué Getaway, but also runs the Business + Women podcast and the Women in Garment Decoration Facebook group.
Kristine’s topic is “Women Supporting Women”, and here’s how she describes it:
“We’ve all heard of the “old boy’s network” and see how effective it can be. It’s time for women to create a similar type of network to help each other succeed and prosper. We’ll cover how to build your network, the benefits of having supportive women behind you, and why it’s vital that women become more visible.”
Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus Group Moderators
But like they say on TV, “But wait! There’s more!”
Helping us get the conversations going and keeping the breakout groups in check, are an amazing bunch of business leaders.
If you attend the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus, you will be able to hang out with them and share your thoughts, ideas, and comments during the breakout sessions.
I want you to close your eyes and imagine talking about the topics listed above with one of these fantastic women and with several other Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus attendees.
Marcia Derryberry
Marcia is the former editor-in-chief of Impressions Magazine and Impressions Media Group. After more than three decades as a decorated apparel industry journalist and educator,
Marcia recently started her own company, Marcia Derryberry Media Communications.
(Congratulations, by the way!)
Jenna Sackett
Jenna was recently a speaker at this year’s Shirt Lab Summit, and we’re excited to have her lead a breakout session for the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus.
You have probably seen her before as she’s a fantastic educator and content creator for Stahls’ TV.
Holly Trevino
Holly is co-owner of Planet Apparel in San Diego.
If you have been paying attention to my Success Stories podcast, you may remember her from a recent episode with her sister Heather that focused on selling and decorating bandanas.
Marj Easterling
If you have attended a Shirt Lab Live event, you may have seen Ali Banhozer in the front row. Sitting next to her, as usual, is Marj.
Marj owns and operates Big Lick Screen Printing in Roanoke, Virginia, and will bring a level of spunk and creativeness to the discussions.
Nicole Rollender
Nicole has been a speaker at our Shirt Lab Summit and also has presented to the Tribe mastermind group as an Expert Presenter on creative copywriting.
She’s held top editor spots with industry magazines, and now runs her copywriting company, Strand Writing Services.
Get Registered
Here’s what you need to do.
Click the button below and go to the Shirt Lab Women’s Nexus registration site and get registered.
The cost is $97, or it is free if you are a Shirt Lab Tribe member.
Not a Tribe member? We have you covered.
Click here and join today!
“Sometimes, what you are looking for is already there.” – Aretha Franklin
“As you grow older you will discover that you have two hands. One is for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” – Audrey Hepburn
“I defy gravity.” – Marilyn Monroe