Shirt Lab Tribe: Become a Founding Member

Shirt Lab Tribe Become a Founding Member

This past week proved to be a significant one for Shirt Lab. We had 2,646 people from around the world participate in our first online event, the Shirt Lab Summit.

Hopefully you were part of that group.

If you were, thank you very much for spending some time with Shirt Lab, and I hope you found the Shirt Lab Summit content useful for your business.

Some Background

Tom Rauen and I started Shirt Lab in 2018 as a way to help educate the decorated apparel industry with sales and marketing tactics. In October of that year, we held our first live workshop event in Columbus Ohio.

2019 saw live workshop events in St. Louis, Washington D.C., Portland, and Atlanta.

All five of our events have been completely different. With each event, we sought to bring in the top minds in the industry on some curated topics that we felt could make a tremendous impact on businesses in our industry.

This year, we wanted to have two events. Shirt Lab Dallas, and the Shirt Lab Chicago Women’s Nexus. The coronavirus pandemic made us push those events to 2021. (Need more info? Click here!)

But, we felt that we needed to do something. The Shirt Lab Summit was the product of that thinking. Thirty-three speakers over three days and we covered sales, marketing, and operations.

Hungry for Information

What we’ve found from sending out surveys, networking, research, observation, and just simply talking to shop owners is that people in this industry are hungry for information that they can trust.

They are dissatisfied with the unprofessional behavior in some online groups. When questions are posted, often unreliable and unproven answers are given as gospel. There is a lot of confusion out there.

Shirt Lab Tribe is the answer to that.

We know that from talking to shop owners that have been frequently traveling to our live workshops that one of the main reasons they spend the time, energy, and money to attend is the power of the group.

They love hanging out with other shop owners.

It is the conversations “in-between” speakers, at lunch, or in the bar late at night that drives that participation to attend. It is the Tribe.

Shirt Lab Tribe Is Built For You

That is why we want to bring this to you.

Right now you have the opportunity to become a founding member of Shirt Lab Tribe. How cool is that?

We are starting this decorated apparel industry community from scratch. It is being built from the ground up, and it is being built for you.

Our founding member group is limited to the first 100 people that join. After that, there will be a price increase. We opened up on Wednesday, the last day of the Shirt Lab Summit, and already other shop owners are walking in the door and signing up to join the Tribe.

The goal with Shirt Lab Tribe is to give you a secure place to go to ask questions, get answers, learn, share, and network. We’ll operate with a set of professional community standards. You’ll have a place to go for the accountability you might need. Guest speakers will give presentations once a week. We’ll be developing learning courses for you to sharpen your skills.

Shirt Lab Tribe is the private group for you to get ahead.

Join today for $49 per month – (until we hit 100 founding members, then the price will increase to $99 per month)

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

“Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Til your good is better, and your better is best.” – St. Jerome

“If you are going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

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